Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pay day, Christmas is coming,basketball season is here.

Today is "pay day." Even at my age this day is special because it means I have job that pays me money to live and I am still living. I have been doing this job in various forms and fashion for over thirty years. That is hard to believe. So welcome pay day and let's see how fast this check is spent. Christmas is here once again and contrary to the opinions of my family-I love it. I love the trees and lights;I love the music especially. And I love the original tradition of celebrating the birth of Christ. I don't love the attention on money and gifts and the microscopic view of our lives that appears to go along with the season;it seems that we focus on the "have nots" and not so much on the "haves." Christmas can be hard on those that are struggling.I am really talking about myself so don't be offended. What I would like to get out of Christmas, is peace in my family, peace in my life, a time of rejoicing with my wife Kathy about the accomplishments of our lives and the lives of our children. We have done much. Basketball season has always gobbled up this month for me and my family. I will be looking forward to retiring from basketball after this year so I can enjoy the season a little bit more with all my grandchildren--hopefully-------

Sunday, November 28, 2010


What a wonderful week it was with my family,especially Kasia Skye Crowe, my beautiful granddaughter. It was amazing to look at my four children, so accomplished, older, and getting wiser. How perplexing it is to realize that as they are coming into their fruitful years that we, Kathy and I, are leaving and making the best of those "golden years?" I am proud of the striving and struggles of my family. So proud of the differences they all share with each other. Proud of the determination of them to stay together and be a family through hard and good times. I love my wife Kathy and realize that I am deeply in love with her still. I look forward to sharing, analyzing and griping on this blog. Please refrain from advise and encouragement. I have heard it all and frankly think "I know it all."